Primajaya is a trend following system composed of a trend indicator and three trend filters to reduce the amount of bad trades. It can be applied to all currency pairs and time frame's from the 30 Min chart and above.
Time Frame (s): 30 Min and above
Used Indicators: ProSol FastGMMA, Filter overWPR, Filter overStochastic, Filter overRSI
Trading Strategy:
Buy rules: Buy when the Blue MA above the Red MA, and all indicator colors below the main window blue...
Sell rules: Sell when the Blue MA below the Red Ma, and all indicator colors below the main window red.
The best time to buy is when the Primajaya overSTOCH color blue and the other indicator blue or stell blue..
The best time to sell is when the Primajaya overSTOCH color red and the other indicator red or orange..
Just remember.. make sure the Blue MA above the Red to buy and, Blue MA below the Red to sell...